House Watch/Property Check
Are you planning to be away from your residence or business for an extended period of time? Would you feel better if you knew police officers were periodically checking your property?
In a continued effort to better serve Brookshire residents and business owners, the Police Department has established the House Watch/Property Check Program ONLINE FORM!
Restrictions & Exclusions:
Please be aware that by requesting House Watch/Property Check services, you will be expressly assuming the risk, legal liability, waiving and releasing all claims for injuries, damages, or loss which you might sustain as a result of your request for services from the City of Brookshire Police Department.
The Brookshire Police Department cannot guarantee your residence/property will be checked at specific dates or times, but every effort will be made to check it as time and workload allow. During the time(s) of a Natural Disaster (Hurricane, Flood, etc.) all House Watch/Property Check services will be suspended.
Failure to meet the required criteria will result in the removal of the request.
1. The house/property must be vacated for more than 24 hours.
2. There will be no occupants during the requested time frame.
3. The house/property may not remain on the watch for more than 14 consecutive days.
4. All active real estate (sale/rental) properties are excluded.
5. To extend and/or renew services you must submit a new request.
6. If you return early or need to cancel services, contact Brookshire Police Dispatch at 281-375-5000 to be removed.